>>English main
- 3D multiscale-imaging of processing-induced defects formed during sintering of hierarchical powder packings, Gaku Okuma, Shuhei Watanabe, Kan Shinobe, Norimasa Nishiyama, Akihisa Takeuchi, Kentaro Uesugi, Satoshi Tanaka, Fumihiro Wakai Scientific Reports. 8,12,11595 (2019). DOI:https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-019-48127-y
- High-power properties of crystal-oriented (Sr,Ca) 2 NaNb 5 O 15 piezoelectric ceramics and their application to ultrasonic motors, Yutaka Doshida, Hideki Tamura, Satoshi Tanaka Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 158(SG):SGGA07 (2019).DOI:10.7567/1347-4065/ab0bad
- Anisotropic sintering shrinkage and microstructural evolution of c-axis-oriented Si3N4 ceramics, Takuma Takahashi, Junichi Tatami, Hiromi Nakano, Satoshi Tanaka J. Ceram. Soc. Japan., 127(6):435-442(2019).DOI: 10.2109/jcersj2.19023
- Effects of ammonium molybdate additive and sintering temperature on the properties of foam ceramics based on ceramic tile polishing waste, Cong Wang, Weiwei Chen, Anze Shui, Jianqiao Li, Wei Tian, Juan Ma, Bin Du, Satoshi Tanaka J. Ceram. Soc. Japan., 127, 318-326(2019). DOI:https://doi.org/10.2109/jcersj2.19029
- Surface crystallization and gas bubble formation during conventional heat treatment in Na2MnP2O7 glass, Chiharu Akatsuka, Tsuyoshi Honma, Ralf Muller, Stefan Reinsch, Satoshi Tanaka, Takayuki Komatsu J. Non-Crystalline Solids., 510 36-41(2019). DOI:10.1016/j.jnoncrysol.2019.01.030
- Determination of sintering stress and bulk viscosity from sinter-forging and X-ray microtomography methods: a Review, Gaku Okuma, Fumihiro Wakai, Satoshi Tanaka, Tsuyoshi Hondo, Jesus Gonzalez-Julian, Olivier GuillonMaterials Today: Proceedings, 16, 1, 42-48, (2019). DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matpr.2019.05.285
- Particle Rotation in Colloidal Processing under a Strong Rotating Magnetic Field, Shoko Baba, Satoshi Tanaka, Langmuir. 34,28,(2018).DOI: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.7b04344
- Influence of tetragonality on crystal orientation induced by a strong magnetic field and on the piezoelectric properties of the (Bi0.5, Na0.5)1-xBaxTiO3 ceramic system, Satoshi Tanaka, Keisuke Sano, Tomohiro Harada, Hiroyuki Shimizu, Yutaka Doshida, J. Ceram. Soc. Japan, 1268(8), 655-661 (2018).
- Influence of binder layer of spray-dried granules on occurrence and evolution of coarse defects in alumina ceramics during sintering, Hondo Tsuyoshi, Kouichi Yasuda, Fumihiro Wakai, Satoshi Tanaka, J. Euro. Ceram. Soc. 38(4) 1846-1852(2017).
- Evaluation of macroscopic mechanical properties from 3-D visualization of microstructure in sintering, Gaku Okuma, Shun Kanichika, Satoshi Tanaka, Fumihiro Wakai, J. Jpn. Soc. Powder Powder Metallurgy, 64, 495-500 (2017).
- Interface topology for distinguishing stages of sintering, Gaku Okuma, Daiki Kadowaki, Tsuyoshi Hondo, , Satoshi Tanaka, Fumihiro Wakai, Scientific Reports. 7(1), 11106 (2017) .
- Computation of Sintering Stress and Bulk Viscosity from Microtomographic Images in Viscous Sintering of Glass Particles, Gaku Okuma, Daiki Kadowaki, Tsuyoshi Hondo, Akihiko Sato, Satoshi Tanaka, Fumihiro Wakai, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 100[3], 867-875, (2017)
- Particle sedimentation monitoring high-concentration slurries, Yoshihiro Nagasawa, Zenji Kato, Satoshi Tanaka, AIP Advances, 2016, 115206; http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4967350.
- Effect of slurry temperature on particle orientation in magnetic field assisted forming method, J. Soc. Powder Technol., Shoko Baba, Satoshi Tanaka, 53 [12], 2016, 791-796.
- Fabrication of c-axis oriented Si3N4 ceramics using multilayered-graphene-coated <beta>-Si3N4 seeds and their orientation in an innovative low magnetic field, Adv. Powder. Technology, 27[5], 2016, 2005-2011
- Fabrication of transparent grain-oriented polycrystalline alumina by colloidal processing, Antonine Pringuet, Takuma Takahashi, Shoko Baba, Yuta Kamo, Zenji Kato, Keizo Uematsu, Satoshi Tanaka, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 99, [10], 2016, 3217-3219.
- Effect of kind of acid and the solid fraction on the viscosity by the gamma-Al2O3 nanofiber in the form of precursor slurry for the final ceramic, A. Zamorategui, O. Coreno, J. D. Angel, and S. Tanaka, Journal of Ceramic Processing Research, 17, 7, 2016, 727-731.
- Colloidal processing using UV curable resin under high magnetic field for textured ceramics, Shoko Baba, Tomohiro Harada, Hiroyuki Shimizu, Yutaka Doshida, and Satoshi Tanaka, J. Euro. Ceram. Soc., Vol.36, 11, 2016, 2739?2743, doi:10.1016/j.jeurceramsoc.2016.04.002.
- Coarse pore evolution in dry-pressed alumina ceramics during sintering, Tsuyoshi Hondo, Zenji Kato, KouichiYasuda, Fumihiro Wakai, and Satoshi Tanaka, Adv. Powder. Technology, Volume 27, Issue 3, May 2016, Pages 1006?1012, doi:10.1016/j.apt.2016.04.009.
- Stochastic analysis on ceramic granule collapse in powder compact during cold isostatic pressing, Kouichi Yasuda, Satoshi Tanaka, and Makio Naito, Adv. Powder. Technology, Volume 27, Issue 3, May 2016, Pages 940?947 doi:10.1016/j.apt.2016.02.032..
- Complicated Flow Behavior of Silica Particles in Concentrated Slurry, Satoshi Tanaka, Yoshihiro Nagasawa, Zenji Kato, J. Soc. Powder Technol., 53, 2016, 294-300.
- Influence of granule characteristics on fabrication of translucent alumina ceramics with high strength and reliability, Satoshi Tanaka, Shota Goi, Zenji Kato, J.Ceram.Soc.Jpn, 124, (4), 2016, 426-431.
- Effect of solid fraction and pH on the forces experienced by the ?-Al2O3 nanoparticles in the form of precursor slurry and final ceramic, A. Zamorategui M, L. E. Mendoza Pug, B. Noriega Luna and S. Tanaka Journal of the Australian Ceramic Society,52, 1, 2016, 7- 13.
- Crystal-oriented (Bi0.5, Na0.5)0.85?Ba0.15TiO3 ceramics prepared by colloidal processing in rotating high magnetic field, S. Tanaka, K. Sano, M. Imai, K. Uematsu, T. Harada, Y. Doshida, Journal of the Ceramic Society, 123, (1437), 2015, 340-344.
- Observation of Particle Motion in High-Concentration Ceramic Slurries Under Low Shear Rate, Y. Nagasawa, M. Uematsu, Y. Takahashi, Z. Kato, K. Uematsu, S. Tanaka, Journal of the American Ceramic Society,98 (5), 2015, 1429-1436.
- Maximum solid loading dispersion of Pseudoboehmite nano-fiber, Adrian Zamorategui, J. Merced Martinez and S. Tanaka, Journal of the Australian Ceramic Society. 51 (2), 2015, 40-46.
- Polyvilylidenefluoride-based Nanocomposite Films Induced-by Exfoliated Boron Nitride Nanosheets with Controlled Orientation, H-B.Cho, T.Nakayama, D. Y. Jeong, S.Tanaka, H.Suematsu, K.Niihara, Y-H, Choa, Composites Research. 28 (5), 2015, 1-7.
- Enhancing the contrast of low-density packing regions in images of ceramic powder compacts using a contrast agent for micro–X-ray computed tomography, T.Hondo, Z.Kato, and S.Tanaka, J.Ceram.Soc.Japan, 122, 1427, 574-576 (2014)
- A model for estimating internal stress during sintering of ceramic multiphase laminates Kouichi Yasuda, Tadachika Nakayama, Satoshi Tanaka, Key Engineering Materials, Vol. 616, 14-18 (2014)
- Fabrication of transparent crystal-oriented polycrystalline strontium barium niobate ceramics for electro-optical application, S.Tanaka, T.Takahashi and K.Uematsu, J.Euro.Ceram.Soc., 34, 15, 3723-3728 (2014)
- Elastic analysis on homogenization process in ceramic powder compact during repeated cold isostatic pressing by multiple shell model, K.Yasuda, S. Tanaka, and M.Naito, J. Society of Powder Technology Japan, 51 (3), 153-162 (2014)
- Anisotropic sintering behavior of grain-oriented strontium barium niobate ceramics, T.Takahashi, S.Tanaka, Z.Kato and K.Uematsu, J.Ceram.Soc.Jpn., 121 (1413), 2013, 411-41
- Influence of Aggregates in α-Al2O3 slurry on orientation degree of powder compact fabricated by magnetic forming method , R.Furushima, Z.Kato K.Uematsu and S.Tanaka, J.Am.Ceram.Soc., 96 (8), 2013, 2411-241
- Thermal anisotropy of epoxy resin-based nano-hybrid films containing BN nanosheets under a rotating superconducting magnetic field, H-B.Cho, M. Mitsuhashi, T.Nakayama, S.Tanaka, T. Suzuki, H.Suematsu, W. Jiang, Y.Tokoi, S.W.Lee, Y.-H Park, K.Niiharaa, Meterials Chemistry and Physics, 139, 2013, 355-359
- Densely packed linear assembles of carbon nanotube bundles in polysilixane-based nanocomposite films, H-B.Cho, M.T.T.Huynh, T.Nakayama, S.T.Nguyen, H.Suematsu, T.Suzuki, W.Jiang, S.Tanaka, Y.Tokoi, S.W.Lee, T.Sekino and K.Niihara, J. Nanomaterials, 2013, 2013, 564307
- Controlled linear assemblies of graphite flakes anchoring polysiloxane-based nanocomposite films and enhancement of thermal properties, H-B.Cho, S.Yanahara, T.Nakayama, H.Suematsu, T.Suzuki, W.Jiang, S.Tanaka, Y.Tokoi, Y.H.Park, B.S.Kim S.W.Lee and K.Niihara, Jpn.J.Appl.Phys., 52, 2013, 028005
- Fibrillar γ-alumina porous body prepared by slip casting, A.Zamorategui, S.Sugita, S.Tanaka and K.Uematsu, Reviews on Advanced Materials Science, 32 (1), 2012, 68-74
- Polyepoxide-based nanohybrid films with self-assembled linear assemblies of nanodiamonds, H-B.Cho, T.Nakayama, H.Suematsu, T.Suzuki, W.Jiang, S.Tanaka, H.D.Kim and K.Niihara, Acta Materialia., 60, 2012, 7249-7257
- High-Power Piezoelectric Characteristics of C-Axis Crystal-Oriented (Sr,Ca)2NaNb5O15 Ceramics, H.Shimizu, Y.Doshida, Y.Mizuno, S.Tanaka and K.Uematsu, Jpn.J.Appl.Phys., 51, 2012, 09LD02
- Evaluation of internal coarse defects in alumina powder compact and ceramics, S.Tanaka and K.Uematsu, Transaction on GIGAKU, 1,1, 2012, 01020/1-5
- Mullite formation in presence of Y2O3 by homogeneous precipitation, J.R..Jiménez1, J.Merced M Rosales, K.Uematsu, S.Tanaka and S.Sugita, Transaction on GIGAKU, 1, 1, 2012, 01008/1-4
- Evaluation of dispersability of gamma alumina prepared by homogeneous precipitation, A.Zamorategui, S.Sugita, R.Zarraga, S.Tanaka and K.Uematsu, J.Ceram.Soc.Jpn., 120 (1403), 2012, 290-294
- Electric-field-assisted fabrication of linearly stretched bundles of microdiamonds in polysiloxane-based composite material, H-B.Cho, T.Nakayama, T.Suzuki, S.Tanaka, W.Jiang, H.Suematsu, J.W.Lee, H.D.Kim and K.Niihara, Diamond.and Related Materials, 26 (june), 2012, 7-14
- Quantitative analysis of de-aggregation behavior in alumina suspension by beads milling, R.Furushima, S.Tanaka, C.Xue and K.Uematsu, Powder Technology, 217(2), 2012, 319-623
- Self-assemblies of linearly aligned diamond fillers in polysiloxane/diamond composite films with enhanced thermal conductivity, H-B.Cho, A.Konno, T.Fujihara, T.Suzuki, S.Tanaka, W.Jiang, H.Suematsu, K.Niihara and T.Nakayama, Composite Science and Technology, 72(1), 2011, 112-118
- Modification of BN nanosheets and their thermal conducting properties in nanocomposite film with polysiloxane according to the orientation BN, H-B.Cho, T.Nakayama, T.Suzuki, S.Tanaka, W.Jiang, H.Suematsu and K.Niihara, Composite Science and Technology, 71(8), 2011, 1046-1052
- Epoxy resin-based nanocomposite films with highly oriented BN nanosheets prepared using a nanosecond-pulse electric field, H-B.Cho, N,C,Tu, T.Fujihara, S.Endo, T.Suzuki, S.Tanaka, W.Jiang, H.Suematsu, K.Niihara and T.Nakayama, Materials Letters, 65 (15-16), 2011, 2426-2428
- Compatibility of PVB in mixture organic solvents in alumina slurries and its effect on morphology of green sheets, R.Furushima, S.Tanaka, Z.Kato, T.Shiomi and K.Uematsu, J.Am.Ceram.Soc., 94(9), 2011, 2816-2824
- Microstructural evidence of Hall mobility anisotropy in c-axis textured Al-doped ZnO, Y.Kinemuchi, K.Okanoue, H.Kaga, J.P.Wiff, S.Tanaka, K.Uematsu and K.Watari, J.Am.Ceram.Soc., 94(8), 2011, 2339-2343
- Fabrication of highly particle-oriented alumina green compact from non aqueous slurry, R.Furushima, S.Tanaka, Z.Kato and K.Uematsu, J.Ceram.Soc.Jpn., 119 (1387), 2011, 198-202
- Formation and structural characteristic of perpendicularly-aligned BN nanosheet bridges in polymer/BN composite film and its thermal conductivity, H-B. Cho, T.Nakayama, T.Suzuki, S.Tanaka, W.Jiang, H.Suematsu, and K.Niihara, Jpn.J.Appl.Phys., 50, (1Part3) 2011, 01BJ05-1~6
- Facile orientation of unmodified BN nanosheets in polysiloxane/BN composite films using a high magnetic field, H-B. Cho, Y.Tokoi, S.Tanaka, T.Suzuki, W.Jiang, H.Suematsu, K.Niihara and T.Nakayama, J.Mater.Sci., 46 (7), 2011, 2318?2323
- Influence of particles packing in granules on the particles orientation in compacts, M.I.Zainuddin, S.Tanaka, R.Furushima and K.Uematsu, J.Euro.Ceram.Soc., 31 (1-2), 2011, 3-11
- Linear assembles of BN nanosheets, fabricated in polymer/BN nanosheet composite film, H-B.Cho, T.Nakayama, T.Suzuki, S.Tanaka, W.Jiang, H.Suematsu and K.Niihara, J.Nanomaterials, 2011, ID693454, 7pages
- Facile preparation of a polysiloxane-based hybrid composite with highly-oriented boron nitride nanosheets and an unmodified surface, H-B. Cho, T.Nakayama, Y.Tokoi, S.Endo, S.Tanaka, T.Suzuki, W.Jiang, H.Suematsu and K.Niihara, Composites Science and Technology, 70(12), 2010, 1681-1686
- Correlation between slurry properties and structures and properties of granules, M.I.Zainuddin, S.Tanaka, R.Furushima and K.Uematsu, J.Euro.Ceram.Soc., 30 (16), 2010, 3291-3296
- Orientation distribution ? Lotgering factor relationship in a polycrystalline material ?as an example of bismuth titanate prepared by a magnetic field, R.Furushima, S.Tanaka, Z.Kato and K.Uematsu, J.Ceram.Soc.Jpn., 118(1382), 2010, 921-926
- Fabrication of c-axis-oriented potassium strontium niobate (KSr2Nb5O15) ceramics by a rotating magnetic field and electrical property, S.Tanaka, T.Takahashi, R.Furushima, A.Makiya and K.Uematsu, J.Ceram.Soc.Jpn. 118(1380), 2010, 722-725
- Effect of polyacrylic acid (PAA) binder system on particle orientation during dry-pressing, M.I.Zainuddin S.Tanaka and K.Uematsu, Powder Technology, 196(2), 2009, 133-138
- Estimation of Weibull modulus from coarser defect distribution in dry-pressed alumina ceramics, S.Nakamura, S.Tanaka, R.Furushima, K.Sato and K.Uematsu, J.Ceram.Soc.Jpn, 117(1366), 2009 742-747
- Fabrication of crystal-oriented Barium-bismuth titanate ceramics in a high magnetic field and subsequent reaction sintering, S.Tanaka, Y.Tomita, R.Furushima H.Shimizu Y.Doshida and K.Uematsu, Sci.Tech. Adv. Mater., 10(1), 2009, No.014602 5pages
- Strength-processing defects relationship based on micrographic analysis and fracture mechanics in alumina ceramics, S.Nakamura, S.Tanaka, Z.Kato and K.Uematsu, J.Am.Ceram.Soc., 92(3), 2009 688-693
- C-axis oriented ZnO formed in a rotating magnetic field with various rotation speeds, S.Tanaka, A.Makiya, Z.Kato and K.Uematsu, J.Euro.Ceram.Soc., 29(5), 2009, 955-959
- Characterization of particles packing in alumina green tape, N.Chantaramee, S.Tanaka, Z.Kato, N.Uchida and K.Uematsu, J.Euro.Ceram.Soc., 29(5), 2009, 943-948
- Effect of segregation of a polyacrylic acid (PAA) binder on the green strength of dry-pressed alumina compacts, M.I.Zainuddin S.Tanaka and K.Uematsu, J.Am.Ceram.Soc., 91(12), 2008, 3896-3902
- The dependence of particle alignment on processing parameter (Hslurry/L) in alumina tape, N.Chantaramee, S.Tanaka and K.Uematsu,. J.Australian Ceram.Soc., 44(2), 2008, 23-26
- Evolution of discontinuity in particle orientation in ceramic tape casting, N.Chantaramee, S.Tanaka, T.Takahashi and K.Uematsu,. J.Am.Ceram.Soc., 91(10), 2008, 3181-3184
- C-axis-oriented (Sr,Ca)2NaNb5O15 multilayer piezoelectric ceramics fabricated using high-magnetic-field method, H.Shimizu, Y.Doshida, S.Tanaka and K.Uematsu, Jpn.J.Appl.Phys, 47(9 Part2), 2008, 7693-7697
- The effect of packing structure of powder particles on warping during sintering, N.Chantaramee, S.Tanaka and K.Uematsu, J.Euro.Ceram.Soc., 28(1), 2008,21-25
- Packing structure of particles in green compact and its influence on sintering deformation, S.Tanaka, Y.Kuwano and K.Uematsu, J.Am.Ceram.Soc., 90(11),2007, 3717-3719
- C-axis orientation of KSr2Nb5O15 by using a rotating magnetic field, S.Tanaka, A.Makiya, T.Okada, T.Kawase, Z.Kato and K.Uematsu, J.Am.Ceram.Soc, 90(11), 2007, 3503-3506
- Fabrication of c-axis oriented higher manganese silicide by a high-magnetic-field and its thermoelectric properties, H.Kaga, Y.Kinemuch, S.Tanaka, AMakiya, Z.Kato, K.Uematsu and K.Watari, J.Mater.Res, 22(10),2007, 2917-2923
- Orientation dependence of transport property and microstructural characterization of Al-doped ZnO ceramics, H.Kaga, Y.Kinemuch, H.Yilmaz, K.Watari, H.Nakano, H.Nakano, S.Tanaka, AMakiya, Z.Kato, and K.Uematsu, Acta Materialia, 55(14), 2007, 4753-4757
- A quantitative evaluation method for particle orientation structure in alumina powder compacts, A.Makiya, S.Tanaka, D.Shouji, T.Ishikawa, N.Uchida and K.Uematsu, J.Euro.Ceram.Soc, 27(12), 2007, 3399-3406
- Particle oriented strontium bismuth titanate ceramics made in high magnetic field, K.Tabara, A.Makiya, S.Tanaka, K.Uematsu and Y.Doshida, J.Ceram.Soc.Jpn, 115(1339), 2007, 237-240
- Development of packing structure of tape casting, N.Chantaramee, S.Tanaka and K.Uematsu, J.Ceram.Soc. Jpn, 115(1338), 2007, 136-140
- Grain oriented titana ceramics made in a magnetic field, A.Makiya, K.Kusumi, S.Tanaka,Z.Kato, N.Uchida, K.Uematsu, T.Kimura and K.Kitazawa, J.Euro.Ceram.Soc., 27(2-3), 2007, 797-799
- Effects of powder characteristics, solid loading and dispersant on bubble content in aqueous alumina slurries, S.W.Jiang, T.Matsukawa, S.Tanaka and K.Uematsu, J.Euro.Ceram.Soc., 27(2-3),2007, 879-885
- Effect of internal binder on microstructure in compacts made from granules, S.Tanaka, C.P.Chiu, Z.Kato and K.Uematsu, J.Euro.Ceram.Soc., 27(2-3), 2007, 873-877
- Molecular orbital approach to the optional nonlinearities of fresnoite-type crystals, N.Uchida, S.Tanaka, K.Uematsu, T.Fujiwara and T.Komatsu, J.Euro.Ceram.Soc., 27(2-3), 2007, 531-533
- Drying-induced forming of alumina ceramics using high solid-loaded slurries with addition of glycerol, S.W.Jiang, S.Nakamura, S.Tanaka and K.Uematsu, J.Mater.Res., 22(1), 2007, 244-248
- Preparation and thermoelectric property of highly oriented Al-doped ZnO ceramics by a high magnetic field, H.Kaga, Y.Kinemuch, S.Tanaka, AMakiya, Z.Kato, K.Uematsu and K.Watari, Jpn.J.Appl.Phys., 45(42-45), 2006, L1212-1214
- Fabrication of c-axis oriented Zn0.98Al0.02O by a high-magnetic-field via gelcasting and its thermoelectric properties, H.Kaga, Y.Kinemuch, S.Tanaka, AMakiya, Z.Kato, K.Uematsu and K.Watari, J.Ceram.Soc.Jpn., 114(1335), 2006, 1085-1088
- Crystal-oriented La-substituted Sr2NaNb5O15 ceramics fabricated using high-magnetic-field method,, Y.Doshida, H.Kishi, A.Makiya, S.Tanaka, K.Uematsu and T.Kimura, Jpn.J.Appl.Phys., 45(9B), 2006, 7460-7464
- Effect of binder on strength of sintered body of dry pressed alumina, S.Tanaka C.P.Chiu and K.Uematsu, J.Am.Ceram.Soc., 89(6), 2006, 1903-1907
- Enhancement and depression in second-order optical nonlinearity of Ba2TiGe2O8 in crystallized glass prepared in a high magnetic field, N.Toyohara, Y.Benino, T.Fujiwara, S.Tanaka, K.Uematsu, T.Komatsu and Y.Takahashi, J.Appl.Phys., 99(4), 2006, 15
- Fabrication of c-axis orientated polycrystalline ZnO using a rotating magnetic field and following sintering, S.Tanaka, A.Makiya, Z.Kato, N.Uchida, T.Kimura and K.Uematsu, J.Mater.Res., 21(3), 2006, 703-707
- Observation of packing structure by confocal laser scanning microscope, Z.Kato, S.Tanaka, N.Uchida, and K.Uematsu, J Euro.Ceram.Soc., 26(4-5), 2006, 683-687
- Design of the packing structure through the direct characterization of the ceramics green body, S.Tanaka, J.Ceram.Soc.Jpn., 114(), 2006, 141-146
- New characterization method for microstructures of ceramics hybrid material, K.Uematsu, N.Uchida and S.Tanaka, Sci.Tech.Adv.Mater., 6(2), 2005, 135-137
- Formation of bubbles in aqueous alumina slurries, S.W.Jiang, S.Tanaka, N.Uchida and K.Uematsu, J.Ceram.Soc.Jpn, 113(1319), 2005, 449-451
- Crystal orientation in Bi-based superconducting glass-ceramics prepared in high magnetic field, N.Toyohara, Y.Benino, T.Fujiwara, S.Tanaka, K.Uematsu and T.Komatsu, Physica C, 420, 2005, 88-94
- Influence of dehydration rate on the degree of particle orientation in alumina green body made by slip Casting, S.Tanaka, S.Watanabe, Z.Kato, N.Uchida, K.Yokota, Y.Kondo and K.Uematsu, J.Ceram.Soc.,Jpn., 112(1312), 2004, 641-645
- Crystal-oriented Bi4Ti3O12 ceramics fabricated by high-magnetic-field method, Y.Doshida, K.Tsuzuku, H.Kishi, A.Makiya, S.Tanaka, K.Uematsu and T.Kimura, Jpn.J.Appl.Phys., 43(9B), 6645-6648
- Particle orientation in microstructure of alumina compact body made by slip casting, S.Tanaka, A.Makiya, S.Watanabe, Z.Kato, N.Uchida and K.Uematsu, J.Ceram.Soc.Jpn.,112(1305), 2004, 276-279
- Crystallographic origin for anisotropic sintering in alumina compact, A.Makiya, S.Tanaka, N.Uchida and K.Uematsu, J.Ceram.Soc.Jpn., 112, 2004, s122-125
- Evaluation of particle orientation in alumina green body made by slip casting, S.Tanaka, S.Watanabe, N.Uchida and K.Uematsu, J.Ceram.Soc.Jpn, 112, 2004, s134-137
- Characteristics of machining damage of alumina ceramics, S.Tanaka, S.Yonetani, K.Sato, N.Uchida and K.Uematsu, J.Ceram.Soc.Jpn. 112, 2004, s205-207
- Infrared microscopy as a powerful tool for the examination of internal microstructure of nano-powder compact ?? Yittria stabilized zirconia as a model, S.Tanaka, C.P.Chiu, Y.Togashi and K.Uematsu, J.Ceram.Soc.Jpn.,.112(1302), 2004, 114-116
- Particle oriented bismuth titanate ceramics made in high magnetic field, A.Makiya, D.Kusano, S.Tanaka, N.Uchida, K.Uematsu, T.Kimura, K.Kitazawa and Y. Doshida, J.Ceram.Soc.Jpn., 111(1297), 2003, 702-704
- Novel examination on grinding behavior of alumina powder, S.Tanaka, Z.Kato, N.Uchida and K.Uematsu, Am Ceram Soc Bull, 82(8), 2003, 9301-9303
- Validation of novel evaluation method for uniformity of powder compact, Y.Saito, K.Tanaka, S.Tanaka, N.Uchida and K.Uematsu, J.Aust.Ceram.Soc., 38(2), 2003, 159-161
- Morphological change of large pores in alumina ceramics in the final stage of densification, K.Sato, S.Tanaka, N.Uchida, K.Uematsu, J.Ceram.Soc.Jpn, 111(1295), 2003, 525-527
- Characterization of large defects in alumina, K.Sato, S.Tanaka, N.Uchida, K.Uematsu, H.Abe, M.Naito, T.Hotta and N.Shinohara, Am.Ceram .Soc.Bull., 82(4), 2003, 39-42
- Direct observation of aggregates and agglomerates in alumina granules, S.Tanaka, Z.Kato, N.Uchida and K.Uematsu, Powder Technology, 129(1-3), 2003, 153-155
- New characterization method for pore and packing structure in powder compacts using confocal laser scanning microscope, Y.Saito, S.Tanaka, N.Uchida and K.Uematsu, J.Electron Microscopy, 51(4), 2002, 215-223
- Mid-infrared microscopy, Z.Kato, T.Sato, S.Tanaka, N.Uchida and K.Uematsu, Am Ceram Soc Bull, 81(12), 2002, 42-44
- Kinetics of property change associated with atmospheric humidity changes in alumina powder granules with PVA binder, Y.Saito, J.Nyumura, Y.Zhang, S.Tanaka, N.Uchida and K.Uematsu, J.Euro.Ceram.Soc., 22(16), 2002, 2835-2840
- Effect of cold isostatic pressing on microstructure and sintering anisotropy during sintering of uniaxially pressed alumina compacts, A.Shui, A.Makiya, S.Tanaka, N.Uchida and K.Uematsu, J.Ceram.Soc.Jpn, 110(1280), 2002, 264-269
- Breakthrough in evaluation for packing of powders, K.Uematsu, Y.Saito and S.Tanaka, Trans.Materials Res. Soc. Jpn, 27, 2002, 333-338
- Spray-freeze-dried granules for ceramics fabrication, N.Uchida, T.Hiranami, S.Tanaka and K.Uematsu, Am.Ceram.Soc.Bull, 81(2), 2002, 57-60
- Novel examination method of internal structure for porous materials, Y.Saito, S.Tanaka. N.Uchida and K.Uematsu, J. Society of Inorganic Materials, Jpn, 9, 2002, 105-108
- Modal separation of work-of-fracture of carbon/carbon composites, K.Yasuda, S.Tanaka and Y.Matsuo, J.Mater.Sci., 37(13), 2002, 2651-2658
- Sintering deformation caused by particle orientation in uniaxially and isostatically pressed aluimna compacts, A.Shui, Z.Kato, S.Tanaka, N.Uchida and K.Uematsu, J.Euro.Ceram.Soc., 22(3), 2002, 311-316
- CLSM for ceramic green microstructure, Y.Saito, S.Tanaka, N.Uchida and K.Uematsu, Am.Ceram.Soc.Bull., 81(1), 2002, 35-38
- Toughening of carbon fiber/pitch-based carbon matrix composites by microspace control, S.Kimura, Y.Matsuo, S.Tanaka, K.Yasuda, and K.Oshida, Synthetic Metals, 125, 2002, 213-221
- Fractography for alumina ceramics using a confocal scanning laser microscope, K.Sato, T.Sato. N.Musashi, S.Tanaka. N.Uchida and K.Uematsu, J.Ceram.Soc.Jpn, 109(1276), 2001, 1055-1056
- Direct evidence for low-density regions in compacted spray-dried powders, Y.Saito, S.Tanaka, N.Uchida and K.Uematsu, J.Am.Ceram.Soc., 84(10), 2001, 2454-2456
- Isotropic sintering shrinkage in pressed compact of near-spherical alumina particles, A.Shui, Z.Kato, S.Tanaka, N.Uchida and K.Uematsu, Am.Ceram.Soc.Bull., 80(9), 2001, 29-32
- IR microscopy for examination of particle packing structure in silicon nitride powder granules and a compact, K.Uematsu, N.Uchida, Z.Kato, S.Tanaka, T.Hotta and M.Naito, J.Am.Ceram.Soc., 84(1), 2001, 254-256
- Influence of microstructure on modal work-of-fracture of carbon fiber/pitch-derived carbon composites, S.Tanaka, K.Yasuda and Y.Matsuo, Int.J.Mater.Product Tech., 16(1-3), 2001, 171-179
A new evaluation method of modal fracture energy of fiber-reinforced ceramic matrix composites, K.Yasuda, S.Tanaka and Y.Matsuo, J.Mater.Sci, 34(10), 1999, 2331-2334
Proceedings (refered)
Stress estimation for multiphase ceramics laminates during sintering, Kouichi Yasuda, Tadachika Nakayama, Satoshi Tanaka, Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings, Vol. 35, 6, 101-106 (2014)
- The effect of dispersion in alumina slurry on the development of grain orientation during the sintering process, R.Furushima, S.Tanaka, Z.Kato and K.Uematsu, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 18, 2011, No.062008
- Fabrication of c-axis oriented strontium barium niobate ceramics by rotating magnetic field orientation, T.Takahashi, S.Tanaka, R.Furushima, Z.Kato and K.Uematsu, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering., 18, 2011, No.062013
- Oriented alumina ceramics prepared from colloidal processing in magnetic field, S.Tanaka, A.Makiya, and K.Uematsu, Ceramic Engineering Science Proceedings, 32 (8), 2011, 159-164
- Influence of magnetic flux density and sintering process on the oriented structure of c-axis-oriented Sr2NaNb5O15 piezoelectric ceramics, S.Tanaka, T.Takahashi, T.Kawase, R.Furushima, H.Shimizu, Y.Doshida and K.Uematsu, Ceramic Transactions, 226, 2011, 91-96
- Crystal-oriented tungsten-bronze type ceramics prepared by a rotating magnetic field, S.Tanaka, Y. Doshida, H. Shimizu, R.Furushima and K.Uematsu, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering., 20(1), 2011, No.012002
- Anisotropic sintering of oriented ceramics prepared by a rotating magnetic field, S.Tanaka, Y. Nagashima, R.Furushima and K.Uematsu, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering.,21(1), 2011, No.012008
- Piezoelectric properties of c-axis-oriented (Sr,Ca)2NaNb5O15 piezoelectric ceramics with single-plate type and multilayered type fabricated using crystal-oriented sheet forming, H.Shimizu, Y.Doshida, S.Tanaka, and K.Uematsu, Key Engineering Materials. 421-422, 2010, 21-25
- Fabrication of SrTi4Bi4O15 piezoelectric ceramics with oriented structure using magnetic field-assisted shaping and subsequent sintering processing (MFSS), S.Tanaka, K.Mishina and K.Uematsu, Ceramic Transaction, 204, 2009, 39-46
- Influence of grain-boundary on textured Al-ZnO, Y.Kinemuchi, K.Okanoue, H.Kaga, J.P.Wiff, S.Tanaka, K.Uematsu and K.Watari, Ceramic Engineering Science Proceedings, 29(1), 2009, 63-68
- Anisotropic varistor via magnetic texturing, Y.Kinemuchi, K.Okanoue, H.Kaga, J.P.Wiff, S.Tanaka, K.Uematsu and K.Watari, Ceramic Engineering Science Proceedings, 29(9), 2009, 163-168
- Anisotropic properties of Al doped ZnO ceramics fabricated by the high magnetic field, H.Kaga, Y.Kinemuchi, K.Watari, H.Nakano, S.Tanaka, A.Makiya, Z.Kato and K.Uematsu, Ceramic Engineering Science Proceedings, 28(7), 2008, 113-119
- Influence of binder on structure and strength of alumina ceramics, K.Uematsu and S.Tanaka, Ceramic Transaction, 199, 2007, 191-202
- Effect of magnetic field on orientation of diamagnetic ceramic particles dispersed in slurry, S.Tanaka A.Makiya, Z.Kato K.Uematsu and Y.Doshida, Ceramic Transaction, 198, 2007, 243-249
- Zinc oxide ceramics with high mobility as n-type thermoelectric materials, Y.Kinemuchi, H.Kaga, S.Tanaka, K.Uematsu, H.Nakano and K.Watari, Materials Science Forum, 561-565, 2007, 581-586
- Fabrication of a- And c-axis oriented Zn0.98Al0.02O by a high magnetic field via gelcasting, H.Kaga, Y.Kinemuchi, S.Tanaka, A.Makiya, Z.Kato, K.Uematsu and K.Watari, International Conference on Thermoelectrics, ICT, Proceedings, 2007, No.4133351, 548-551
- Characteristics of machining damage and their influence on strength in alumina ceramic system, S.Tanaka, K.Sato, S.Yonetani, T.Nakamura, K.Uematsu, Key Engineering Materials., 317-318, 2006, 285-288
- Improvement of second-order optical nonlinearity in transparent Ba2TiGe2O8 crystallized grasses prepared in high magnetic field, N.Toyohara, Y.Benino, T.Fujiwara, S.Tanaka, K.Uematsu, Y.Takahashi and T.Komatsu, Advanced Materials Research, 11-12, 2006, 193-196
- Orientation factor of grain oriented bismuth titanate prepared in high magnetic field, A.Makiya, S.Tanaka, Z.Kato, N.Uchida, T.Kimura, K.Kitazawa and K.Uematsu, Advanced Materials Research, 11-12, 2006, 689-692
- Evaluation of compaction behavior by observation of internal structure in granules compact, S.Tanaka, Z.Kato, T.Ishikawa, C.P.Chiu, N.Uchida, K.Uematsu and T.Kurita, Ceramic Transaction, 157, 2005, 77-84
- Internal structure of zirconia nano-powder compact evaluated by an infrared microscope, S.Tanaka, Y.Togashi, Z.Kato, C.P.Chiu, N.Uchida and K.Uematsu, Advances in Technology of Materials and Materials Processing, 6(2), 2004, 180-183
- Characterization procedure of large defect in ceramics, K.Sato, S.Tanaka, N.Uchida and K.Uematsu, Advances in Technology of Materials and Materials Processing, 6(1), 2004, 63-38
- Particle oriented bisumuth titanate ceramics prepared in a magnetic field, A.Makiya, D.Kusano, S.Tanaka, N.Uchida, K.Uematsu, T.Kimura, K.Kitazawa and Y.Doshida, Ceramic Transaction, 146, 2004, 163-171
- Particle orientation of alumina green body made by slip casting, S.Watanabe, S.Tanaka, N.Uchida and K.Ueamtsu, Key Engineering Materials., 268(1), 2004, 97-100
- Effect of grinding on characteristics of alumina ceramics, S.Yonetani, K.Sato, S.Tanaka, N.Uchida and? K.Uematsu, Key Engineering Materials., 268(1), 2004, 265-268
- Characterization of internal structure of a green body made by dry-pressing, S.Tanaka, Y.Saito, K.Tanaka, N.Uchida and K.Uematsu, Key Engineering Materials, 268(1), 2004, 189-192
- Characterizaiton of surface condition of non-oxide ceramic powder by heat of immersion, T.Matsukawa, K.Sugawara, S.Tanaka, N.Uchida, K.Uematsu, Y.Shinohara and M.Uehara, Key Engineering Materials., 268(1), 2004, 77-80
- Direct observation of alumina particles orientation in high magnetic field, Z.Kato, A.Makiya, S.Tanaka, K.Uematsu, T.Kimura and K.Kitazawa, Key Engineering Materials., 268(1), 2004, 253-256
- Direct study on the formation of large defects in final stage of sintering in alumina ceramics, K.Sato, S.Tanaka, N.Uchida and K.Uematsu, Key Engineering Materials(1)., 268, 2004,
- Influence of granules properties on the pressing, M.Saito, S.Tanaka, N.Uchida and K.Uematsu, Key Engineering Materials, 268(1), 2004, 289-292
- Effect of particle orientation on the anisotropic sintering of alumina ceramics, A.Shui, A.Makiya, S.Tanaka, N.Uchida, K.Uematsu, Key Engineering Materials., 253, 2003, 293-302
- Deformation during sintering in alumina ceramic made using uniaxial pressing, A.Shui, S.Tanaka, N.Uchida, K.Uematsu, Key Engineering Materials., 247, 2003, 61-66
- New observation method of internal structure for green body using confocal laser scanning microscope, Y.Saito, S.Tanaka, N.Uchida and K.Uematsu, Ceramic Transactions, 133, 2002, 99-104
- Infrared microscopy for innovative research in ceramics, K.Uematsu, T.Sato, D.Shoji, N.Uchida, Z.Kato, S.Tanaka, M.Naito and T.Hotta, Ceramic Transactions, 122, 2001, 157-171